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To publish or not to publish?

Later in the meal, over pudding, I told him about this book, and asked whether or not I should leave a copy to pass on to Alice and Richie for when they’re grown up. He asked me to send him one. Wendy never did get round to putting the final scene of Lucy’s play into...

James in the graveyard

It was a few hours later that Lucy found out what Maddie had done. Appalled, she immediately rang Ruth to ask if she had Richard’s phone number, so she could check out that he was back home safely. Ruth passed the phone to Bob who volunteered to call Richard,...

Wendy takes over

There’s been a change of author. Here I am, Wendy, the sensible one, also the one young enough to be able to sit at a desk and type without moaning about sciatica. Bob’s asleep. I’ve often taken a peek over his shoulder at what he’s writing. I’m still not sure if he...

Lucy arrives on the scene

We were interrupted by the clatter of a woman coming in through the door, a teacher delivering posters for the local primary school Summer Fayre, accompanied by a handsome Labrador. To accept these was beyond the delegated responsibility of the barman. The landlord,...

Reviewing Past Posts

The launch of the new website has displayed all my old blogs in a more accessible form. I’ve just been backtracking through a few of them. In two of them, although generally in favour of greener policies, I was cautiously in favour of fracking in the Fylde. My view on...