The launch of the new website has displayed all my old blogs in a more accessible form. I’ve just been backtracking through a few of them. In two of them, although generally in favour of greener policies, I was cautiously in favour of fracking in the Fylde. My view on that has definitely changed. We were in our holiday home in St Annes last August when the earth moved for us. It was 2.9 on the Richter scale, feeling like putting a hefty electric shock through yourself (which I once did in the Clarendon at Oxford testing why and where my circuit from a 90 volt HT battery wasn’t working, using an avometer with metal bulldog clips. Easy error!) The earthquake was like the house had gone up in the air a couple of feet and then landed while my heart was stopped. I’m not risking Blackpool Tower, St Chad’s Church and our flat just to cock a snoop at the Russians and for a more secure gas supply. Leave it in the ground.
But there are some blogs that I still like in retrospect. So, if anybody out there is reading. I’d suggest A Northern Intellectual, The Church of the Holy Allegory, Those Autumn Leaves and Testaments Old and New.
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