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christ knows what

I listened a couple of days ago to two excellent podcasts by Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook about the life of Christ, part of their The Rest is History series. They were well done, if telling me what I already knew or have thought. I agree with them that the census...

The Dove is Published

Publication Date is this week for The Dove Is Dead, the last bird in the Unholy Trinity. The idea of having the covers to my novels forming a mini-aviary only came to me with the publication of the second book, No Precedent, the themes of which both included and...

It’s all Over Now, Baby Blue

I’ve not posted here for ages. I’ve sporadically been writing The Dove is Dead, the novel that’s intended to be the last in my Unholy Trinity trilogy. Although it’s written in Amy’s voice, Richard Shackleton’s youngest daughter, who I’m trying to write as a woke young...

Reviewing Past Posts

The launch of the new website has displayed all my old blogs in a more accessible form. I’ve just been backtracking through a few of them. In two of them, although generally in favour of greener policies, I was cautiously in favour of fracking in the Fylde. My view on...

Somewhere a place for us

A recent debate with a friend has left me wondering about the distinction between somewheres and anywheres as propounded by David Goodhardt in his book The Road to Somewhere. This categorisation has been widely used by commentators to differentiate between leavers and...